on Pitcairn
Maybe you have wondered if a good hair cut can be had on Pitcairn Island. Well the answer is ‘yes’. Michelle Christian does a very good hair cut for just NZ$10.00. On Tuesday I went for a cut and colour (some blonde bits) and it cost just $20. There was something rather lovely sitting there in Michelle’s lounge overlooking the Pacific Ocean, listening to the crash of waves and feeling the sun on my skin. While she snipped and cut and talked in her soothing voice, it was all I could do to stay awake. The cat was winding around my legs and four colourful roosters kept coming to peer in the ranch slider to see what was going on. The fact that there is no running water connected to their new home yet, and I had to rinse my new hairstyle out leaning over a bucket in the garden, just added to the wonder of a unique experience.
Michelle Christian : Pitcairn Island Hairdresser